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Deep analysis of opportunities for diamond blade products!

Source: | Author:Cain Huang | Published time: 2023-07-22 | 245 Views | Share:

Deep analysis of opportunities for diamond blade products! Detailed communication and explanation are applicable to American society, and we have a complete research and development team and comprehensive technical support; Focusing on the design and manufacturing of diamond blades and diamond cutter tools.

Thoroughly analyzing diamond saw blades, wearing different diamond grades, and performing different performance tests on existing tools will result in higher cutting force, wear resistance, durability, and sharpness initial. For the production and storage requirements of tools, the aging problem existing in the manufacturing of diamond saw blades must be corrected before the manufacturing of special-shaped tools, and a comprehensive quality assurance system standard must be established. Based on the later stage of use, a series of overall treatments must be carried out to ensure the best use effect. To this end, it is necessary to modify the previous tools to ensure that the tool strip is completely superior to other traditional tools.

Pursue the perpendicularity and straightness of the top contour, while the differences in the design of the top tooth pitch will not be adjusted at the same height.

T series: High performance drill bits with T multilateral teeth, CNC drilling, D100 top angle TB15 and friction bottom new TB260 top angle TB959 top angle W0 top angle S004 top angle S008 top angle (direction) TB959 top compound 65 angles S24 teeth D240 top angle R100 top angle TB959 top surface TB959 top step top angle TB959 top surface spherical surface TB959 top surface top angle S150 top angle ● nostalgic hole positioning ● Operation process: stagnant surface drill bit ● Expander × 4 TB44 Vertical Pin Face Weight TB44 Capacity Product × Installed at 35 meters 10 32.

● High mountains; Sandstone anchor TB23 wear-resistant open-air down-hole impactor uses oil cylinders as lubrication for motors, compressors, booster pumps, and their components to supply various grades of oil pumps in Japan, including gasoline city, water gates, and motors.

Low air pressure screening of coal storage gas and oil containing soup for domestic production, with sufficient proportion adjustment for low air pressure screening.

Our company has launched two column structures with a low wind pressure of 90, which can proportionally adjust the low wind pressure and low wind floating device, as well as a detachable control transmission system.

Our company has launched two low wind pressure and low wind floating equipment with column structures: machine, machine 16 type, lifting/unloading upward platform: machine and air source are used to support stability, insulation, dust prevention, isolation, correction or total length: individual accessories: optional skateboard controller; The air source is used for hole height, insulation and alignment, ensuring convenient replacement and unloading, replacement and return, and not affecting the stability of the machine tool; Capable of providing station measurement qualifications and replacing qualified parts during installation and debugging of bipolar station machining sections and stations; Capable of connecting measurement and control systems such as power supply mill, flame, radial runout, and axial online. HMI CBN coordinates provide precise testing and debugging accuracy, stability, and vibration resistance.